With over 10 million people registered as
disabled in the UK, it is imperative that employers are prepared and aware of their responsibilities when employing or recruiting a disabled member of staff. Those employees with disabilities share the same employment rights as other workers with the addition of some other rights as stated within the Equality Act 2010. Within this act, employers are expected to make 'reasonable adjustments' within the workplace with regard to access and facilities for disabled members of staff. The provisions set out in the Equality Act apply to every employer, no matter the size or industry (except the armed forces). It is worth noting that the reasonable adjustment requirements are not necessary to carry out in anticipation or only in case an employer gains a disabled employee. The adjustments need only be carried out once a disabled person is employed or applies for a role within the company.
To comply with the Equality Act 2010, an employee must suffer from severe or long term impairments. Impairments of disabled employees include:
- Physical impairments - mobility disabilities
- Mental impairments - long term (12 months plus) mental illnesses or learning disabilities
- Sensory impairments - visual or hearing impairments.
What are reasonable adjustments?
The Equality Act states employers have a duty to amend the workplace in order to accommodate both disabled employees and/or applicants for job roles. These adjustments are in order to avoid disabled people being at a disadvantage when applying for a job or indeed working within an organisation. Reasonable adjustments can vary and cover areas from working arrangements to physical changes around the workplace.
Adjusted working arrangements may be flexible working hours to allow disabled employees to be able to meet their employment requirements, or amendments being made to workplace equipment, adapting it to suit employee's capabilities.
If a physical feature within the workplace creates a disadvantage for a disabled employee, steps must be taken to amend or remove the obstruction. Physical adjustments can include changes such as:
- The addition of a ramp rather than steps to access buildings.
- Providing disabled toilet facilities need to provided to accommodate those that need them.
- The widening of doorways to allow for wheelchair access.
- Repositioning door handles and/or light switches etc to ensure they can be reached.
In some cases, an employer may need to provide disabled employees with extra help through an aid to ensure that the disabled employee is not at any disadvantage against other workers. This aid may be in form of specialist or adapted equipment, such as special computer keyboards or telephones.
With regard to a disabled person applying to a job, an employer does not necessarily need to make the physical adjustments before the interview. It will suffice that an easily accessible location and necessary support and assistance for the applicant to get there is provided. If the applicant is then employed, the employer must consider the other adjustments mentioned above.
For more information, visit www.direct.gov.uk